It's the Holiday season! Wana wish ya all a very Merry X'mas,
best wishes fot you and your families and friends. Do keep coming back
to Huney'Z World for more about my X'mas day... *Heads out for dinner*
Christina aka Hun...
OMG! Are you always perturbed by these black head problems? Strawberry nose is what everyone always call you? Fret not, Sophie Monk's Strawberry Blackhead Bye Bye Set is here to save the day!
In just 3 simple steps,...
New month, new products. Maybelline has launched their latest Pure Mineral BB Mousse, The Falsies Volum' Express Mascara and a range of Color Sensational Lipsticks. Thanks to Maybelline for sending over the products.
Here's my review on the products:
1) Maybelline Pure Mineral BB Mousse...
Ever since my wedding, I've been hooked onto contact lenses. I have Astigmatism, so I always wear non-powered coloured contact lenses to enhance my eyes and also different colours for different moods and clothings.
I always think I have beautiful eyes and being an artist, I need my eyes...
Mary Kay® has unveiled their collection for the Holiday Season with Scents of Style - limited edition miniature fragrance gift set, Little Gifts Eye Compact and Little Gifts Lip Balm. Get them for yourself of even give them as gifts for your BFFs, girlfriends, mums, sisters, etc.... Let me introduce...