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[Makeup Tutorial] Last Minute Halloween Looks

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I have been trying out looks for Halloween and these are some simple ones, that you can do within an hour or less. More for the last minute call to costume party, but better made up than going with none right? 1) Little corner eye deco Just do your usual makeup and end it all with a little...

[Sponsored Post] Biotherm's SKIN.ERGETIC

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The modern woman these days are strong, creative, and always multi-tasking between work and home, playing different roles. Always so much to do, but so little time. They wished for more hands and speed, and tend to suffer from fatigue. I am one good example. :( With fatigue, comes signs of...

[Sponsored Post] Melt all your makeup away

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After a hard day's work or shopping, all you want when reaching home, is a fast and easy way to remove all the makeup in seconds, then fall straight into bed. Agree? Let me introduce you guys to Meltie! - The Ice Cream Melting Cleanser. It's not something you can eat, but it's like ice cream, smoothing...